COVID-19 Protocols

Real Touch Massage complies with regulations on keeping everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Simon sends out an information pack to each new client informing them of what to expect on arrival at Real Touch Massage, as well as a questionnaire asking them about any possible contact they have had with COVID-19. This has to be returned before they come to for treatment.

When clients arrive, their temperature is taken, immediately, with an infrared thermometer and they are given sanitiser to rub onto their hands.

As soon as they enter the building there is a Track and Trace code for scanning into their mobile phone app. The arrival and departure time of all clients is annotated on their client notes for each treatment.

In the treatment room, both Simon and his clients wear a mask at all times and when any close work occurs anywhere near the face, Simon wears a face shield too.

All surfaces that are touched are washed or sanitised immediately after every treatment and all towels and bed covers are immediately put into the washing machine. This gives the highest possible standard of cleanliness and hygiene and ensures the safety of both clients and therapist.